Hubbardston Community Theatre is committed to providing a fun and safe learning environment. To this end we have adopted a list of policies governing responsibilities for participation in our programs. This list does not attempt to replace good judgement and is subject to review and change at any time.
All cast and staff members including volunteers MUST have a signed liability waiver on file BEFORE participation in the program begins.
A non-refundable participation fee is required to be paid by mid-January. Checks made payable to: Hubbardston Community Theatre, Inc. or paid via Venmo. A limited number of scholarships are available. No one should be prevented from participating due to financial concerns. For more information please contact Randi Marcinkiewicz at 508-414-5080.
* ALL Adults (Cast and Volunteers) that come into the backstage space and will have direct contact with children are required to have a CORI check. We will do this during our first few weeks of rehearsals.
Attendance at rehearsals is mandatory. Regular absences and conflicts will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal from the cast. When cast members are regularly missing, it creates difficulties for fellow cast members and results in much repetition during rehearsals. On occasion the director may feel it is in the best interest of the production to make an exception to this rule when experienced adult members of the cast are needed to fill specific roles. These exceptions should not be viewed as favoritism or used as an excuse to take advantage of this policy. We need all participants to be able to commit to 80% of rehearsals and 100% of Tech Week.
Parents/Guardians of children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade are required to attend all their child’s rehearsals and sit with them. Children MUST be age 6 by the date of audition, in order to participate in a show. Siblings who can sit quietly with their parent are welcome to attend.
Policies will be posted on the website and at auditions. Questions regarding any policy may be directed to HCT Board Members.
Cast members are expected to arrive 5 minutes BEFORE rehearsal time so they can be settled and ready to begin promptly at the start of rehearsal.
All cast members are NOT needed at every rehearsal. It is difficult to know weeks in advance how rehearsals are progressing so updates to the schedule are made weekly. The schedule will be posted on the HCT website. All cast members should check the website regularly for updates to the schedule. It is the responsibility of the cast and their families to keep up to date with these communications. We cannot supervise children who are not scheduled to rehearse. They will be sent home. Please also check the website in case of inclement weather for cancellation information.
Elementary school age children must be picked up after rehearsals and performances INSIDE the building. Children will not be allowed to leave the building until a parent arrives inside the building to pick them up. It is not safe or possible to supervise children waiting outside in the dark.
If school is canceled due to bad weather, rehearsal is generally canceled that evening. Please check the website if there are concerns regarding weather.
ALL cast members must stay in designated rehearsal areas at all times. There will be no wandering around the building. Requests to leave the area to use the rest rooms may be made to the parent volunteer on duty only.
Out of respect for our fellow actors, we will all be courteous and encouraging of each other. If you see someone doing a particularly good job, please compliment him or her liberally. When you are not in a scene, remain alert and quiet so you’ll hear when you are next needed. Older members of the cast should encourage younger members and assist them in following the rules. There are always times in theatre where things get a little long and boring. You are encouraged to bring a quiet activity or book to help pass those times.
Please do not radically change your physical appearance after you have been cast without getting approval from the director. Hair color for example.
Parent/family involvement is a tradition at HCT (Hubbardston Community Theatre). While not a rule or a policy we do hope that you will become so excited as you watch the show unfold that you will want to join your actor in the fun. Please attend our parent meeting in January and find out how you can share this experience. We invite you to attend rehearsals. There has never been a show at HCT that wasn’t due in large part to the extraordinary generosity of spirit evident in our community.
Safety is the main concern of HCT Board of Director’s therefore we are providing you with information regarding our Emergency Policies while actors are attending rehearsals during non-school hours. We are very pleased that because of the spirit of community, many parents feel safe dropping their children off and arranging their pick up but we feel the need to emphasis that supervision is limited. Parents are always encouraged to stay!
Since play rehearsals are generally held in the evening, there is not a Registered Nurse available to attend to emergency situations. In addition, the doors are not locked as they are during school hours. HCS has a maintenance personnel member in the building but no one in the building is mandated to be CPR certified. If you or your child has a pre-existing condition it is of the utmost importance that we be notified so we can recognize individual symptoms, or what actions to take.
A HCT Board Member and the Director will have an emergency contact list with all name’s, any known allergies and emergency contact or assigned guardian on hand so please be sure that you supply updated information.
In the event of an accident or emergency that is involved or life threatening, an adult will call 911 and someone will contact you immediately. If emergency services arrive prior to the parent or guardian, a HCT Board Member or the Director will accompany the child in the ambulance until a parent or guardian arrives. Please note that an assigned guardian will have to provide valid identification.
National or Weather Emergency:
Generally if the school is closed due to inclement weather, no rehearsals are held. In consideration of our geographical location, what may start as a flurry may end up a blizzard! Therefore, if you are informed of an emergency through news services, please do not try and call the school as the office is closed in the evenings. Rest assured whatever the situation, whether it is a national or weather emergency someone will stay with the children until everyone is picked up. The Police Station is directly behind the school and they will be informed of any situation.