Purchase a two-line ad for your star!! 
Let your actor know how proud you are 
Let them know “You are my star!” or “Break a leg!” for only $5.00. Send the form to relatives and friends who cannot attend so they can purchase ads. Please return the form by the deadline to make sure your ad is printed. If submitting for more than one ad, please complete separate forms. Each two-line ad is $5.00.  Ads are due by March 1st.
 Cast Dedication Form Can Be Found Here
HCT is offering local businesses the opportunity to advertise in our program. For only $35, you can place a business-card sized ad in our program to be handed out at all four shows (with a maximum seating of 300 per show). This is a win-win! Not only is your business advertised in our program, but your donation is tax deductible AND you are supporting our wonderful community theatre!
To place an ad, send a business card and payment (cash, check to HCT, or Venmo) to:
HCT, PO Box 592, Hubbardston, MA 01452.
Ads due by March 1st. 

Ad Forms can be found HERE
Cast Party Forms Available HERE

To be held after the stage break down after our final show on Sunday