Here are the costume requirements. Many costume pieces will be provided, the list below is what each actor should get for themselves. We will be adding to this list so make sure to check back and feel free to reach out to us with any questions.

​​Thank you! 

All youth ensemble members need to have soft soled ​black shoes (ballet flats similar to the ones shown here)​​​​ 

If you are changing costumes you will need a bodysuit, shorts, tank top, etc. to wear under your costumes. See us if you need clarification.

Workhouse Kids / Fagin's Gang  - Black soft soled shoes (see example), tall drab socks (only if their pants are short) and dark colored pants (not leggings) or LONG shorts (think Knickers). Either black, navy or dark brown, drab colors. They do NOT have to be in good shape, in fact the worse shape they are in the better. We may put patches on some. They can be with or without pockets. 

Londoners  - We will speak with Londoners individually about what they need to get. 

​​The following characters need black pants (not jeans) - Fagin, Dodger, Bill Sikes, Noah Claypole, Knife Grinder​

Governors - black pants (not jeans), white button up shirts